Can Marijuana Help You Lose Weight?

Can Marijuana Help You Lose Weight?

A surprising revelation for you: you won’t become obsessed with junk food if you indulge in a couple edibles. Yes, while brownies make you fat and marijuana makes you hungry, there are ways to mitigate the urge to eat until your belly explodes. In fact, cannabis have been historically effective in helping people lose weight. It sounds counterintuitive, but research has been conducted to prove the claim true. Intrigued? Here’s how it works.

The Role Science Plays in Cannabis and Weight Loss

A survey study conducted in 2011 found “despite the evidence that cannabis [consumption] stimulates appetite in clinical trials and laboratory studies, users are actually less likely to be obese than nonusers.” A study 3 years later confirmed this surprising fact. Published in 2019, the results were similar to the former, drawing in high correlation between cannabis users and a more active body metabolism. But why does that happen?

Science has found through multiple studies, the most notable from 2018, that your body is actually storing less fat and burning more calories in the long run when you regularly use cannabis. This means that while you might be eating more, your metabolism is being boosted at the same time, burning through any fat and calories you introduce.

It’s More Than Just Metabolism

Additional to the increased metabolism and the body breaking down fat faster, there are other elements at work. According to studies, people who use cannabis usually also drink less water, lowering their overall caloric intake. This in turn leads to less ‘water weight’ stored in the body’s cells, reducing weight.

Also, the plant reduces stress levels and helps users experience higher quality sleep. These are all things that have been known to help with weight loss. No stress eating, no poor sleeping habits that lead to weight gain. Not only do you feel better and retain less weight automatically, you’re also going to have the extra energy to start and stick to an exercise plan.

The Best Cannabis Strains for Weight Loss

Many users have reflected that of all strains, sativa strains have been the most effective with weight loss. Many have claimed sativa strains to help with regulating eating, before workouts for a physical and mental boost, and a recovery tool for rest after exercising.

If you’re interested in trying, popular sativa strains include Apple Fritter, Citrique, and Sour Diesel. Luckily, we carry all of these strains, all priced competitively and sourced from the best producers across BC. Join thousands of Vancouverites and browse our catalogue of goodies today 😉 .

Should I Try Weed for Weight Loss?

While cannabis isn’t a meaningful cure-all that allows you to sit back and enjoy the weight exiting your body, it is helpful in many other regards. While you still have to exercise regularly and adopt a healthy(ier) diet, it is a great starting point for losing weight and can compliment any other strategy you may combine with it. Maybe except intermittent fasting.