10 Easy Ways to Tell If Your Weed is Good Quality

10 Easy Ways to Tell If Your Weed is Good Quality

Quality weed is something that every smoker aspires to find. After all, who wants to smoke low-quality weed that gives you a headache and makes your eyes red? There are a few key things to consider when determining if your weed is of good quality. Here are ten easy ways to tell if your weed is good quality:


Look at the Colour of the Weed

Colour is one of the first things you should look at when determining if your weed is of good quality. The colour of the weed should be a vibrant green. It is not a high-quality weed if it is a dull brown or has red hues.


Check for Buds

Buds are another key indicator of good quality weed. Inspecting buds from a closer angle will allow you to see if they are dense and have a good layer of trichomes. Conversely, it is not a high-quality weed if the buds look airy or have very few trichomes.


Feel the Texture of the Weed

The texture of the weed is also essential in determining its quality. Good quality weed should be sticky to the touch and should not crumble easily. It is not of good quality if the weed feels dry or crumbly. Anytime you see a weed that looks like it was ground up and then re-pressed back into shape, it is not good quality.


Smell the Weed (But Don’t Get Too Ahead of Yourself)

Smelling is one of the most important ways to determine the quality of your weed. Good quality weed should have a strong and pungent smell. The smell should be earthy with hints of citrus or other fruit. The weed smells like hay or straw but is not good quality.


Taste the Weed

Tasting the weed is also essential in determining its quality. Good quality weed should have a strong, pungent taste. In addition, the flavour should be earthy with hints of citrus or other fruit. If the weed tastes like hay or straw, it is not good quality.


Be Aware of Seeds

Seeds are a bad sign when it comes to quality weed. Seeds indicate that the weed was not flushed adequately before harvest. This means that the weed contains high levels of chlorophyll, which can give the weed a bitter taste. Therefore, it is not a good quality weed if it has seeds.


Look for Stems

Stems are another bad sign when it comes to quality weed. The stems indicate that the weed was not trimmed adequately before harvest. This means that the weed contains high levels of chlorophyll, which can give the weed a bitter taste. It is not a good quality weed if it has stems in it.


Check for Mold

Mold is a bad sign no matter what you are talking about, but it is awful when it comes to weed. Mold can cause serious health problems, especially if inhaled. In addition, it is not a good quality weed if it has mold.


Be on the Lookout for Pesticides

Pesticides are another bad sign no matter what you are talking about, but they are terrible when it comes to weed. Pesticides can cause serious health problems if inhaled. In addition, it is not a good quality weed with pesticides.


Check for Spider Mites

Spider mites are tiny creatures that infest cannabis plants. They are hard to see with the naked eye, but they leave behind a telltale webbing. Unfortunately, if you know this webbing, it is not a good quality weed.


Now You Can “Weed” Out the Bad Kush from the Good

These are just a few things you can look for to determine if your weed is of good quality. Keep these things in mind the next time you purchase weed, and you will be sure to get the best possible product. We recommend reading this article on the newbie’s guide to cannabinoids; If you’re looking to dive deeper into this hobby, understanding different cannabinoid profiles can be a pleasure for many.